My Self Care Quarantine Witch was a Covid 2020 children's book project, where the brief was to emphasis to people through my character; simple self-care acts that keep our mental health steady while in lockdown.
The first (far left) was to "Learn Something New" to keep our brains learning, engaging, and to create milestones for ourselves while we may be in isolation...
The second (middle) was to "Exercise" to keep our mind happy. Using your body (yoga, treadmill if you have one, pilates, walks if you can, dancing etc.) in isolation is super important for endorphins, positivity, and keeping ourselves healthy - mind AND body.
The last one (far right) was to "Social Phone Calls Often". Many people were not used to picking up the phone and calling a friend before lockdown. FaceTimes, family Zooms, texts, and connecting with those we love, even if just digital, is super important towards keeping up our mental health. Calls are a reminder we are loved, we are not going through this alone, and that all the people we miss are just a phone call away.
Quarantine Witch Mental Health Tip 1:
Learn Something New!
Quarantine Witch Mental Health Tip 1:
Exercise your Body, for your Brain!
Quarantine Witch Mental Health Tip 3:
Socialise with Friends (over the Phone!)